Saturday, August 04, 2007

Celebration that is life!

You know?!

The more i spend my time here in parees, the more i begin to believe, that life is all about celebration...about thanking...about appreciating oneself and others...

Had been to the palais de versailles with Uday, Claude and Claude!

The gardens are HUGE!!!!

We reached the palace at about 7.30...walked about the chateau, while Claude engaged us in English and Claude in French with flair.

Then we had dinner at an Indian restaurant called Everest.
Then reached the chateau at about 8-8.15 pm...The sun was just going down... and people were all about...everywhere...lovely gardens, i felt myself transported to a different era in time...Thanks to Claude and Claude... i could connect to the place...we had marangue at one of the fountains....we just managed to visit 5-6 fountains of the 20 odd fountains that are there....
Then we had the fireworks show....a breathtaking spectacle of wonderful fireworks....
Cheers! To Life!
Thanks Claude & Claude and Uday!!!!