1. Dilli has BIG roads....and the traffic flows..although the distances are long!
In Mumbai, you find yourself stuck in a traffic that is like constipation...
2. Public transport is next to non existent...(the metro is there... but still hasnt covered all parts of the city...)...I had to take those things called radio taxis, which are expensive and arent immediate...you need to wait for abt 30 mins before u get one...
In mum, Get out of the home, and u see loads of BEST buses, tonnes of rickshaws that are cheap, and taxis ...getting about is not a problem.
3. Walk down the road in Delhi, and people LOOK at you if you are a girl....and in MUM, people dont give a shit even if u are a pretty girl!
4. Parathas taste better than in mumbai...
5. You cant live without an Airconditioner in Delhi in summer....In mumbai, you can get by....although its bloody humid and you sweat a lot!
6. Lotsa historical structures in Delhi...ofcourse its got a richer history to boast about...and not so many skyscrapers in there...where as Mum is dotted with Tall buildings, one taller than the other...and slums interspersed between them...
7. Delhi as such seems much more 'organised' where as when u think mum, the first word that comes to my mind is 'Chaos'
Cheers & signin off!
- taxiwala in mumbai is gentlemen..and dilli they are as*holes.
- most people in dilli knew someone or is working for government..
- mumbai is much much safer..
@iamyuva - i agree to all the above! :)
thanks for stopping by...and LOVE yr display pic :))
i can see yr a delhi-person!!!
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