Monday, August 17, 2009

Lazy Sunday Morning...
Mom has been telling, cajoling, shouting for the past .....was it half an hour? to get up...
Steaming coffee waiting...
brushing my teeth and waking up the rest of my senses...
squinting at the 8 am sun

not so much has changed...

but mama... i see your hair greying...
dad, you seem to be popping pills...
And my heart sinks!
When did all this happen?!?!

I look at myself in the mirror...
do i see the 13 yr old... ?
but ...where are the stars in the eyes...?
her head which was in the clouds
has moved back to her shoulders...

yeah...things have changed...
Time doesnt leave anything untouched does it?
is there a slower poison?!

I love you mom, dad...although time is tearing us apart...
little by little...
I love you,


Unknown said...


sometime i felt sorry for our parents generations since they obey their children & their parents....

P said...

My thoughts exactly. Beautiful rendition. I bet you had tears in your eyes when you typed this :)

Abhijit Karnik said...

I exactly went through the same recently... only that it was the 10 am sun :-)
and then had to tell my parents in a very matter of fact way,
"Guys! You have to stop growing old this fast! I am still going to school you know!"