Everything is a haze as i dorn the attire of a responsible,dependable expert!!!!
Last night's Maggi has failed to charge my batteries!
9 hours spent in fairy land sans fairies has failed to bring me back to my senses!
As i try hard to remember the name of the children's books that has pixies in it, i realise....how many such times of my life i have spent like this.....forgotten , lost in neverland ....
I constantly see these potential people sans life sitting in virtual space cursing me for letting life slip through my hands!
Them wishing if only they had what i have! Life ! The grand feeling of being alive! Of feeling the pain in my shoulders at the end of a 13 hour workday, the feeling of high when someone says you did a good job, the chirping of the bird and the soothing scent of flowers that welcomed me when i neared home! Ahhh! I am Alive ! Tripping, jumping, falling, twirling....I am Alive!
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